"Whose planet is it?" - This is the motto of the second Sustainability Week at FH Salzburg. Daily keynote speeches and discussions will take place during the week of November 20-24, 2023. The week will conclude on Friday with workshops and a world café.

The event series in November deals with the topic "Whose planet is it?". The aim is to explore the question of whether climate justice and a sustainable society are possible with the current understanding of property in various dimensions.
From November 20 - 24, 2023, there will be a daily keynote lecture at 5 pm at the Urstein Campus of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, followed by a discussion. Several workshops will be offered on Friday. In addition, selected courses at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, the Mozarteum University and the University of Teacher Education will open courses dealing with sustainability to interested parties.
The organization team of the UAS has put together an extensive program - in hybrid form: in presence and online. Participation is open to all interested parties and is free of charge!
- Mon, 20.11. Opening.
Introduction to the lecture series and the topic: Why is the question of ownership being raised?
Daniela Molzbicher, Sustainability Officer, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Lutz Dorsch, Green Engineering and Circular Design, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
- Tue, 21.11. Understanding Sustainability.
Who owns the cloud? Is climate and resource justice achievable with today's international property law?
Oliver C. Ruppel, Research Center for Climate Protection Law, ClimLaw Graz Eva Weiler, Institute of Philosophy, University of Duisburg
- Wed, 22.11. Changing Society.
Housing - A human right? Christian Huber, Head of Facility Management and Real Estate Management, FH Kufstein; Peter Linhuber, VinziDach; Initiative "Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Expropriate", Berlin
- Lecture in English: Thu, 23.11. Creating Society.
"Tourism as income generator ... or not? A special perspective for countries of the global south", Christian Baumgartner, Institute for Tourism and Leisure (ITF), FH Graubünden; Tonderayi Mageza, Alumni of FH; Salzburg, Innovation & Management in Tourism; Eva Brucker, Department Business and Tourism, FH Salzburg
- Fri, 24.11. Workshops in English and German:
Act ! The Change is Yours. A World Café with the topic: Production of the future - forms of society under a changed concept of ownership
A World Café with the topic: Production of future - Forms of societies under a changed concept of ownership
Followed by a get-together with drinks and sandwiches in the foyer
- On site: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Puch/Urstein, Room HS 110
- Online streaming: The keynote speeches and the discussion rounds (without participation of the auditorium) will be broadcast. The discussion with the audience will take place offline.
The links can be found in the calendar entries of the respective day (www.fh-salzburg.ac.at/events)
Information and program: www.fh-salzburg.ac.at/beyond-the-plate